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Tag: North Carolina

Understanding Car Insurance Costs

Shopping for car insurance can be challenging, and it’s often tough to figure out how to get the best rates. Understanding the factors that influence insurance rates can help you determine how to get the best price, saving you money in the long run. Read on to learn more about types of coverage, the things that influence insurance rates and how to find the right...

What Information is on my Proof of Insurance Card?

What Information Is On My Proof Of Insurance Card? In order to drive legally, every driver needs to carry their license, registration and proof of financial responsibility (which is usually your auto liability insurance). What exactly is proof of insurance, and what’s included on your proof of insurance card? Continue reading to learn more. Proof of Insurance: The Basics Proof of insurance, also called an...

What's Driving Car Insurance Rates?

Car insurance rates are on the rise.  A lot of elements go into what you pay for car insurance.  The type of vehicle you own and your driving history are a coupe of the major factors.  There are plenty of other factors that affect everyone no matter their vehicle, or driving history.  Here are some of the factors driving auto rates up. Vehicle Prices -...